Shark Week should be declared a National holiday. For many Prips, the excitement surrounding the event is equivalent to that of gift giving holidays, weddings, vacations, and Girl Scout Cookie season. 

But why?! Why, every year, are we drawn to our televisions to watch days and days of sharks (and if you're me, to freak yourself out and opt for the pool instead of the beach club for the following couple of weeks)? While there is an attractive aspect of horror, the educational component of the shows is what really draws me in. I enjoy learning about these mysterious creatures and being able to subsequently list the top ten most dangerous sharks (a fun conversation starter at the bar. No really, try it). 

So if you haven't celebrated before, you should, and to help out, here are a few suggestions:


1) Have a Shark Week Party. Get shark themed plates, napkins, cupcakes, and drinks. This party should be held on the first night of Shark Week (Sunday), but of course we encourage you to have as many parties as you feel necessary. 

2) To the over 21 crowd: drink every time a shark eats something. Take Shark Shots:

3) If you spend your summers at the beach or are on a beach vacation, do not watch shows that include the words "deadly", "scariest", "killer", or other similar words in their titles. Believe us. This is why they make TIVO.

4) If you choose to ignore suggestion number three on the list, remember: you are more likely to be killed by hornets, wasps, bees or dogs, than a shark. Sharks are cute!

5) Visit your local aquarium to see them up close!

Shark Week 2011 begins tonight, July 31st, at 9 PM est on the Discovery Channel!